Regulatory Agency
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
- General hunting and wildlife: (517)-284-9453 or
- General Enforcement: (517)-284-6000 or
- License Sales: (517)-284-6057 or
- Wildlife Division Permit Specialist: (517)-6210 or
License Details
A Wildlife Damage and Nuisance Control Permits are free of charge
Depredation permits cost $100
License Duration
Depredation permits are valid for a year
Wildlife Damage and Nuisance Control Permits are valid for three years and will expire on the third March 31st after the date issued
How to Apply
Complete the application form. Be sure to: indicate “new”, “restricted” or “general”, sign and date the application.
Obtain a Certificate of Persons Doing Business Under an Assumed Name (DBA) from the County Clerk of the county the business is located and attach a copy to the completed application. Or, attach other proof of an existing recognized business such as Articles of Incorporation or a Business License. This step is not required for public agencies.
If applying in the “general” classification, attach a copy of your current Pesticide Applicator’s License.
Submit your application and required attachments to: Permit Specialist, Wildlife Division, DNR, PO Box 30444, Lansing, MI 48909-7944 or
Allow 60 days to receive your approved permit. Employees of your business may work under your permit without the need for each employee receiving their own permit.
If changes are required to any of the information on your permit, you must submit an amended application, per Amending a Permit in this circular.
Renewal and Reporting
Depredation permits must be renewed annually
Wildlife Damage and Nuisance Control Permits must be renewed every three years
Renewal information, an application, and an Activity/Renewal Report form will be mailed during the month of December immediately preceding the expiration date of the permit.
All animals taken under the authority of a permit shall be reported to the department in the manner specified on the permit
A person issued a damage and nuisance animal control permit shall keep records of all nuisance animal control operations, documenting the complainant’s name, address, date of service, service technician, species of nuisance animal, number of each species taken, county in which captured, disposition of all animals taken, and county of release.
These records shall be made available to a conservation officer or other representatives of the department at any reasonable time.
A report must be submitted prior to the expiration of the permit
- If using restricted use pesticides to control species, a Project Control Permit is needed, issued by the DNR
- Permittees shall be authorized to undertake control measures on the premises of the complainant for the control of bats that are not threatened or endangered and the control of coyote, fox, weasels, mink, raccoon, skunk, opossum, woodchuck, badger, muskrat, squirrels, ground squirrels, rabbits, English sparrows, feral pigeons, starlings, and crows.
- Permittees shall also be authorized to undertake control measures on the premises of the complainant on beaver on private lands in zone 3 during the closed season; however, beaver shall not be live trapped and relocated or translocated without authorization of the wildlife management unit supervisor.
- A permit shall be issued only to bona fide landowners or lessees, or their designated agents, and shall not be transferable
- Live traps must be checked daily
- If a raccoon has come into physical contact with a raccoon originating from another or unknown county of origin, both raccoons shall be isolated from physical contact with other raccoons and humanely euthanized within 24 hours of exposure.
Laws Regarding Translocation
A raccoon, if released, shall be released only in the same county where captured and, if held in captivity, shall be isolated in a manner to prevent physical contact with any animal not originating from the same county.
Skunks cannot be translocated
Other animals may be released with the written permission from the landowner who’s property it is being released on
Trap Tags
Traps must have etched in or securely fasten on trap: Driver license number or DNR sportcard number
Hunting and Trapping License
A hunting license is not required
A trapping license is required