New York Nuisance Wildlife Control License
This license authorizes an individual to take/trap, transport and release wildlife whenever the animal becomes a nuisance, destroys property or threatens public safety. The individual can conduct these activities for commercial purposes or as an employee of a municipality.
License Details
- General (Commercial) License: $50
- Municipal License: No Fee
License Duration
1-year (October 1 – September 30)
What This License Allows
- Taking, transporting and releasing, or euthanizing wildlife when such wildlife damages or destroys property or poses a threat to public safety.
- For a General (Commercial) License holder only: Charging a fee to provide wildlife removal services for a property owner or lessee.
What This License Does Not Allow
- Trapping or taking the following species without an additional special permit:
- Endangered/threatened species. Requires an endangered/threatened species license from DEC’s Special Licenses Unit.
- Migratory birds (i.e. woodpecker, raptor, etc.). The homeowner requesting removal must acquire a federal migratory bird permit (External Link) from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services.
- Certain wildlife species, including: white-tailed deer, black bear, beaver, otter, mink, muskrat, fisher, marten, bobcat, wild turkey, water snake, snapping turtle. Requires special depredation permit from a regional DEC wildlife office.
How to Apply
- Pass the nuisance wildlife control operator examination with a score of 80% or higher:
- Register for the exam: contact a regional DEC wildlife office.
- Dates & locations: Held at variable times throughout the year statewide.
- Fee: No fee.
- Study Materials: Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator Training Manual (External Link)
- Complete and submit the Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator License Application (sent in mail after passing the exam).
Renewing & Reporting
License Renewal
Licenses expire annually on September 30 each year. A renewal form will be sent by mail prior to the license expiration date noted on the license. If a license renewal form is not received at least 2-weeks prior to the expiration date, please contact us.
Annual Reporting
Complete the Nuisance Wildlife Control Log (PDF) (95KB) (view Instructions (PDF) (49KB) on completing the log) and submit by September 30 each year. Required for all licensed nuisance wildlife control operators.
Laws & Regulations
New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR)
Environmental Conservation Law (ECL)
- 11-0507: Liberation of wildlife (External Link)
- 11-0511: Possession and transportation of wildlife (External Link)
- 11-0513: Pigeons (External Link)
- 11-0521: Destructive wildlife; taking pursuant to permit (External Link)
- 11-0523: Destructive or menacing wildlife; taking without permit (External Link)
- 11-0524: Nuisance wildlife control operators (External Link)
Contact Information
DEC Special Licenses Unit
Address: 625 Broadway, Albany NY 12233
Phone: 518-402-8985